Project Update July 2020

Greetings to all of the Glac Project participants, supporters and friends. The outbreak of the corona virus pandemic in March 2020, has resulted in major health and economic consequences for the entire world. Our first priority is to protect the health of our participants, supporters and friends and their families and loved ones.

The pandemic has created significant uncertainty regarding future activities in all spheres, including projects such as the Glac Project. As an international co-operative program between Australia and Serbia, it relies on international travel as well as domestic safety. Fortunately, both Australia and Serbia have been successful so far in limiting the spread of COVID-19 and in protecting the health of their residents. However, the future pathway through the pandemic is unclear and is likely to involve unexpected events.

In 2020, the Glac Project started the year with a very successful three-week Survey Season in January and February 2020.

With the onset of the pandemic, on 25 March 2020, the Australian Government imposed a ban on all overseas travel. All Australian citizens and permanent residents are prohibited from travelling out of Australia, with some very limited exceptions. The Government has indicated that this ban on overseas travel will continue for all of the year 2020. Despite the recent opening up of travel to and from Europe, the ban on overseas travel for Australians will remain.

 As a result, the Glac excavation season planned for September – November will need to be rescheduled to 2021.

We have commenced planning for the resumption of all activities in 2021 with the following activities scheduled:

  • The Glac Excavation will be held from Saturday 28 September, 2021 until Tuesday 5 November, 2021.
  • A Glac Survey will be held in February 2021.

In the interim, we have utilised this period to proceed with a number of important activities:

  • The Glac website has been updated and refreshed and is at
  • The Dig Life film directed by Chris Davies has been screened on Serbian TV.
  • Andrew Yip has received funding for the virtual reality project on Glac and this is being finalised.
  • An extended program of LiDAR images and aerial photography was completed in March 2021 for an additional 34.2 km sq.
  • A Glac Archive is being created of the dig records including all Context Sheets.
  • The GIS Platform has been updated to include material from the 2019 Dig Season and it is planned to complete the inclusion of the records from the 2017 and 2018 Dig Seasons in the GIS Platform.
  • Arrangements are being put in place to improve our documentation and ensure context sheets are more consistent and comprehensive.
  • Work has started on the writing up of an interim volume for publication of the excavations.
  • Work has started on the writing up of an initial volume on the Glac Survey.

We will endeavour to keep in touch with regular updates. In the meantime, we encourage all of the Glac Project participants, supporters and friends to take care of the health and wellbeing of themselves, their families and loved ones.

Projekat Ažurirano u Julu 2020

Pozdrav svim učesnicima, poštovaocima i prijateljima Projekta Glac. Izbijanje pandemije korona virusa u martu 2020. rezultiralo je ozbiljnim zdravstvenim i ekonomskim posledicama u celom svetu. S obzirom na ove okolnosti, naš prioritet je zaštita zdravlja članova tima, poštovalaca, prijatelja i njihovih bližnjih.    

Pandemija je proizvela veliku nesigurnost u pogledu budućih aktivnosti u svim sferama života i rada, uključujući projekte kao što je Glac. S obzirom da je u pitanju međunarodni projekat saradnje između Australije i Srbije, njegovo sprovođenje se delom oslanja na mogućnosti bezbednih međunarodnih putovanja i bezbednost na lokalnom nivou. Na sreću, Australija i Srbija se za sad uspešno bore protiv širenja virusa štiteći zdravlje svojih građana. Ipak, izlaz iz krize uzrokovane pandemijom u budućnosti nije potpuno jasan, i verovatno će podrazumevati za sada nepredvidive događaje.

U 2020. Projekat Glac je uspešno nastavljen tronedeljnom kampanjom arheoloških rekognosciranja tokom januara i februara. Zbog izbijanja pandemije, vlada Australije je sprovela meru zabrane putovanja u inostranstvo svojim građanima. Svim građanima i stalnim rezidentima je zabranjeno putovanje van Australije, uz retke izuzetke od zabrane. Vlada je najavila da će zabrana biti produžena do kraja 2020. godine. Uprkos skorašnjem otvaranju mogućnosti putovanja u i iz Evrope, zabrana za australijske građane će i dalje biti na snazi.

Ova mera za posledicu ima odlaganje arheoloških iskopavanja na Glacu za 2021. godinu, prvobitno planiranih za period septembar-novembar 2020.

Započeli smo planiranje i pokretanje svih aktivnosti u 2021. po sledećem rasporedu:

  • arheološka iskopavanja na Glacu, od subote 28. septembra 2021. do utorka 5. novembra 2021.
  • arheološka rekognosciranja okoline Glaca, tokom februara 2021.

U međuvremenu, iskoristili smo protekli period da sprovedemo niz važnih aktivnosti:

  • internet stranica Projekta Glac je ažurirana i postavljena na adresu
  • dokumentarni film „Dig Life“ koji je režirao Kris Dejvis emitovan je na Radioteleviziji Srbije
  • Endru Jip je obezbedio finansiranje projekta virtuelne realnosti u vezi sa istraživanjem na lokalitetu Glac i taj projekat je u završnoj fazi
  • dodatni projekat snimanja LiDAR uređajem i aerofotografsko snimanje površine od 34,2 kvadratna kilometra obavljeno je u martu 2020.
  • napravljena je arhiva dokumentacije arheoloških iskopavanja na Glacu, uključujući sve kontekstne kartone
  • •GIS platforma je ažurirana i uključeni su svi podaci prikupljeni tokom sezone 2019., planiran je završetak ažuriranja baze podataka iz dokumentacije načinjene tokom kampanja iskopavanja u 2017. i 2018. 
  • preduzete su mere kako bi se pospešila izrada dokumentacije, i kako bi beleženje podataka u kontekstnim kartonima bilo doslednije i detaljnije.  
  • započet je posao pisanja preliminarnog rada za publikaciju o arheološkim iskopavanjima na lokalitetu Glac
  • započet je rad na pisanju prve publikacije o arheološkim rekognosciranjima okoline lokaliteta Glac

Nastojaćemo da redovno ažuriramo podatke na internet stranici. U međuvremenu, želimo da sve učesnike, poštovaoce i prijatelje Projekta Glac podstaknemo da vode računa o svom zdravlju i zdravlju svojih bližnjih.