Education Program – Sirmium: Past and Future

Obrazovni program – Sirmijum: Prošlost i budućnost

The Glac Project aims to run an education program for interested students from the Sremska Mitrovica Gimnazija from Monday 2 July to Friday 6 July, 2018. The program will be organised and run by Dr Alan Dearn, the Education and Outreach Coordinator of the Glac Project and teacher at Sydney Grammar School with 20 years of experience. Experts from Australia and Serbia will contribute to different workshops during the week-long program.

The 2018 education program will be organised around the theme ‘Sirmium: Past and Future’. During the week, students will be challenged to think about the cultural heritage of their town, including how it can be preserved and how it can best be presented to visitors. They will also take part in workshops that will introduce them to archaeology. They will assist at the Glac site, learning about archaeological methods, as well as attending specialised sessions at the site and Sremska Mitrovica Museum on topics such as Roman pottery and coins. Over the course of the week they will gain a strong understanding of the Roman town that lies beneath their feet, some of its stories, and the sorts of skills that are required to bring it to life for the future.

U okviru Projekta Glac planiran je obrazovni program za zainteresovane đake Gimnazije u Sremskoj Mitrovici od ponedeljka, 2. jula do petka 6. jula 2018. godine. Program će organizovati i voditi dr Alan Dern, koordinator za obrazovanje i saradnju sa lokalnom zajednicom Projekta Glac i profesor Sidnejske gimnazije (Sydney Grammar School), sa preko 20 godina iskustva u obrazovanju. Stručnjaci iz Australije i Srbije doprineće različitim radionicama tokom ovog jednonedeljnog programa.

Tema obrazovnog programa 2018. godine biće “Sirmijum: Prošlost i budućnost”. Pred đacima će biti zadatak da razmišljaju o kulturnom nasleđu svog grada, kako da se ono očuva i na najbolji način predstavi posetiocima. Đaci će učestvovati u radionicama koje će ih uvesti u svet arheologije. Pridružiće nam se na iskopavanjima na Glacu, učiće o arheološkim metodama i učestvovati na stručnim radionicama na lokalitetu na temu rimske keramike i novca. Tokom programa stećiće znanje o rimskom gradu koji se doslovce nalazi pod njihovim nogama i saznaće koje su to veštine i tehnike potrebne da ovaj grad oživi u budućnosti.

Dr Alan Dearn’s presentation on the Glac Project at Sremska Mitrovica gymnasium held on 20 Dec. 2017
Prezentacija dr Alana Derna o Projektu Glac u Mitrovačkoj gimnaziji 20. decembra 2017. godine

The aim of the 2018 program is to inspire students from Sremska Mitrovica to see the opportunities their town provides for educational and cultural tourism, and to see the Glac Project as a part of their town’s future that they can be a part of. It also aims to inspire students with an authentic experience of archaeology as they contribute to the work of a dynamic international excavation.

2018 is just the beginning. In 2019 the Glac Project will expand its educational programs by involving students from Sydney Grammar School, with the intention that this will lead to a close relationship and exchange program for students from Sydney and Sremska Mitrovica.

There will be no cost for students from Sremska Mitrovica to take part in the 2018 program, although they are expected to contribute to all activities throughout the week. Light lunches and transport to and from the Glac site from the town centre will also be provided.

Cilj programa 2018. godine je da inspiriše đake iz Sremske Mitrovice da uvide mogućnosti koje njihov grad pruža za razvoj obrazovnog i kulturnog turizma i da prepoznaju Projekat Glac kao projekat budućnosti svog grada čiji mogu biti deo. Takođe je cilj da zainteresuje đake za arheologiju, pružajući im jedinstveno iskustvo učešća na dinamičnom iskopavanju sa internacionalnim timom.

2018. godina je samo početak. Plan je da 2019. godine Projekat Glac proširi obrazovni program, uključivanjem đaka Sidnejske gimnazije sa namerom da se razvije blizak odnos i program razmene đaka iz Sidneja i Sremske Mitrovice.

Ovogodišnji obrazovni program je besplatan. Ručak i prevoz od centra grada do Glaca i nazad biće svakodnevno obezbeđeni. Od učenika se jedino očekuje aktivno učešće tokom čitavog programa.